"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)
In Chapter 6, The Castle with the Red Tower, the major theme of freedom is explored.
In Chapter 6, The Castle with the Red Tower, it relates to the theme freedom because this chapter is when Henry and Beanpole leaves the castle, and tries to find freedom at The White Mountains. Freedom is important in life, and without freedom, we would have no rights to think what we want, and we would be controlled by the Tripods and do what they want us to do. I think this passage relates to the theme because it represents how people who are not capped and people who are capped have different points of view. In this passage, it shows how people who are capped don’t have a mind of their own and have been controlled by the Tripods. People who are not capped can think for themselves and not let anyone tell them what to do. It relates to the theme freedom that Will, Henry, and Beanpole have. This shows how people who are capped have no freedom than the people who are not capped yet. Eloise didn’t really have a choice, but she would have made the right decision if she was not capped. Will is free, but he has to decide if he want to stay in the castle to become king or go far away from the castle to go the White Mountain and be free. In this chapter, Will stays at the red tower, and he has a choice to stay in the red tower and be capped, or to catch up with Henry and Beanpole to continue his mission to The White Mountains. Will makes the best choice to continue his journey, and Will finds it difficult to understand why Eloise and others in the castle look forward to being capped. They are happy to be controlled by the Tripods as they do not see the difference between a person who has freedom and people who are capped, being controlled by the Tripods.

PS: Freedom is the best you can ever have. While you have it now, take the chance. Without freedom is like this... It's like a butterfly flying free (that's free
dom), then a human catching it forever (not freedom). Like i said, we all have freedom now, so take the chance! REMEMBER!!!!We HAVE freedom, USE the freedom!!!!!

Freedom Sign: http://vanish-debt.com/